Priority Grouping

The following steps will show you how automatically assign clashes to the appropriate contractor depending on the priority (depending on what should move first).


Go to iConstruct panel and run Clash Manager tool.

"Step 1"


Click the Options icon in the dialogue. "Icon"

"Step 2"


Go to Priority Grouping tab.

"Step 3"


Check Enable Priority Grouping.

"Step 4"

NOTE: To be able to set up the order for the Priority Grouping, you need to have Search Sets or Selection Sets already set up.

"Step 4"


Select the Search Set or Selection Set of the objects who should move first (Furniture in our example).

"Step 5"


Click the highlighted icon in the dialogue to move the selected Search Set or Selection Set to the highest Priority Grouping level.

"Step 6"


Click the highlighted Assign to icon in the dialogue.

"Step 7"


Specify a name to whom the clashing objects should be assigned to (Interior Designer in our example) and click OK.

"Step 8"


Continue adding additional Priority Grouping levels as shown in Step 5 - Step 9. Once done, click OK to confirm the configuration.

"Step 9"

STEP 10:

Select your test from the drop-down menu.

"Step 10"

STEP 11:

Open the Column Chooser tool in the Clash Manager dialogue.

"Step 11"

STEP 12:

Drag and drop Assigned To property from Column Chooser to the tree structure in Clash Manager dialogue and re-group the clashes. You can add additional grouping properties e.g. the Grid Level as in our example.

"Step 12" "Step 12"

STEP 13:

Once your grouping layout is set, click on Save icon in the Clash Manager ribbon, give your Layout a name and Save. "Icon"

"Step 13"

NOTE: Saved layouts can later be reused with other clash tests and models as well as used in BIMflow. You can switch between different pre-saved layouts from the drop-down menu. To switch between Layouts, at least two are required.

STEP 15:

To push defined grouping back into Clash Detective select desired grouping level (Test Name: All vs All in our example) and click on the Create Clash Detective Group icon in the ribbon. "Icon"

"Step 15"

STEP 16:

In addition, you can create Clash Viewpoints saved into the desired folder structure with iConstruct Clash - Click for more details

Quick Overview:

Go to iConstruct panel ➤ Run Clash Manager tool ➤ Click Option icon ➤ Go to Priority Grouping tab and enable it ➤ Set the desired Priority Grouping levels ➤ Click OK ➤ Run Column Chooser ➤ Drag&Drop Assign To property ➤ Save the Layout ➤ Select Clash Groups ➤ Create Clash Detective Groups